
Pilates is a mind-body exercise method which has many fabulous benefits for people of all ages, occupations and fitness levels, as well as for the singer/musician. I run workshops and lessons for singers and musicians apart from my work with the general public. Due to the COVID19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown measures, I now offer my lessons as a ‘live teaching’ online option. Remedial classes are also available online, after consultation with the client to understand if this is appropriate for either private or small group tuition. This online format is valid for all my lessons except for the large equipment lessons unless the client has their own Pilates Reformer or Chair.

I hold Pilates Instructor qualifications from STOTT Pilates (Canada) and PTAF (South Africa) for both matwork and large Pilates equipment. I obtained a Master's Degree in Music through the University of Stellenbosch (cum laude) in which I formally combined my two disciplines, namely, Pilates and Singing. I have been teaching Pilates for well over 20 years and have a particular affinity for ‘fixing’ body issues.

About Pilates

The Pilates method of exercise is taught by many people in many different ways and with various approaches. The method was designed by a man called Joseph Pilates in the early 19oo's. He was a visionary in his advanced approach towards health and fitness and many of his beliefs are considered to be vital to our modern understanding of physical health. As his method has been around for so long, (being taught by many people over many continents and because he drew greatly on many other methods, including Yoga) it is not always easy to explain exactly what Pilates is, however it has certain principles which underlie it. I follow the Pilates Conditioning and the STOTT Pilates systems to a great extent although much of what and how I teach is determined by the pupil and of course my own personality, philosophy, experience and teaching style.

The word "integrity" is described by the Chambers Concise 20th Century Dictionary as ".. entireness, wholeness: the unimpaired state of anything: uprightness: honesty: purity...". This definition is I feel, very fitting for the Pilates method as my understanding of Pilates is that it restores or creates body integrity.

This is achieved through the application of certain principles which underlie the method. One of the most beneficial of these is the mind/body aspect which requires that a conscious effort (concentration) is applied to all the exercises. This ensures that an understanding of the body is developed and therefore that the 'integrity' that is being developed is something which will exist beyond the studio. Pilates strives to create a body that is able to work without undue tension. Tension is often the root cause of injury and incorrect or imbalanced muscle usage is often the cause of tension. It makes sense therefore that a body which is able to work without undue tension is less likely to be injured and is also likely to work more effectively. This requires concentration and understanding (or mind/body communication), creating a strong center / girdle of strength (by engaging transversus abdominis especially), correct body alignment (e.g. maintaining a neutral pelvis so that the correct muscles are able to work) all of which enable strong, flowing and coordinated movements. Creating a strong center from which this 'integrity' can flow is a vital component of the Pilates method. No 'wholeness' is possible unless there is a strong center from which to develop. The constant requirement of engaging the 'girdle of strength' throughout is vital as without it, no alignment or coordination would be possible. The body is a complex but closed system and anything that is unbalanced within it will create problems elsewhere in it. A strong center ensures that the body is able to retain its alignment and ensures that the correct muscles for any action are able to be engaged. This brings us to the use of relaxation.

Breathing (i.e. lateral breathing) is used as a catalyst for many of these underlying principles. Many disciplines, especially those dealing with relaxation, use breathing as a way of channeling concentration and effort. When you are focused on how you are breathing you are highly unlikely to be thinking about your bank manager at the same time! This allows you to mentally relax which will allow you to focus on the task at hand and will enable physical relaxation to follow. Lateral breathing also frees the rib cage and thoracic spine by creating movement and suppleness which in turn promotes relaxation amongst other things. The activation of the parasympathetic nervous system as a result, provides numerous calming and mental health benefits for which Pilates is now clinically proven to enable. Also, by breathing through movements, tension is less likely to build up and distort the body's alignment, thereby also ensuring that the movements can flow gracefully. Breathing laterally is also one of the best ways of creating a 'girdle of strength' as an outbreath reminds one to engage transversus abdominis which is one of the most important posture stabilising muscles.

Very few people have a body without flaws. We all have a basic structure with inherent or created strengths and weaknesses. Stress, injury, aging and illness all take their toll on our bodies. We are however extremely fortunate that we have minds which are able to control our bodies to such a large extent. It is thus the Mind/ Body control aspect of Pilates which makes it so exciting and special as it opens a whole new and largely untapped world to so many of us - Body Integrity!

The Pilates method is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. It has been scientifically proven to be beneficial for injury rehabilitation, back problems, hip problems and injuries, incontinence, pre and post natal programmes, weight loss, tension, headaches, constipation, insomnia, postural problems, kyphosis/lordosis and is suitable for those who dislike or who are unable to do aerobic type exercises. It is a gentle but extremely effective method and is recommended by many osteopaths, chiropractics and physiotherapists. It has also proven to be effective in assisting with psychological problems such as depression, anxiety and improving quality of life as well as the development of mindfulness and a positive mindset.

For more information you are welcome to contact me to discuss how the Pilates method can be of benefit to you and if your tuition is suitable for the online format. After some scepticism as to the transferability of my usually very ‘hands-on’ approach to an online format, I have discovered (as you do when you open your mind to new possibilities) that while it has presented me with some challenges I have had to overcome, the beauty of teaching online is that it enables social distancing, cuts down on travel and subsequent carbon emissions and allows me to connect with my clients from all over the word! Apart from time-zone issues which can restrict availability, there are few barriers to a successful class and I am even able to accept payment in most international currencies as an online credit card transaction. So, if you are interested in the proven physical and psychological benefits that Pilates provides, please do not hesitate to discuss your aspirations and goals with me to see how we can get you moving freely and enjoying life at its best!
